Twenty Years + 6,338 Miles Apart
Do you know what it is like to be with someone for 27 years and to have rarely been apart, like maybe four days tops? I do because that's my story. Years ago I wrote a piece called Fifteen Years and a Pabst Blue Ribbon that I shared with many of you on our anniversary. I vividly remember writing it and how I felt laying each word down. I wrote that piece as a tribute to our journey so far. Never did I imagine that on our 20th wedding anniversary Ryan would be 6,338 miles away (thank you to the Find My Friends app) in West Africa doing a month-long artist residency at Thread through the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation.

I've spent the past twenty-seven years dreaming and growing with Ryan and creating a life around our family, friends, community, and careers and for this I am grateful. We have learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable. We have learned to love risk and to be open to the experience. We have fought hard and loved hard and everything else in-between.
There were so many moments along the way when we allowed ourselves to dream and those are the moments that have shaped our path. People often say we are "lucky," but that's not the word I would use. Having luck means you have no part in it or it's been handed to you, and that is not our case by any means. Instead, we share a vision. We work hard. We play hard. We consistently show-up and best of all, we love what we do, even when it's not easy.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey. We are able to continue on it because we are supported by an ever-growing community and for that, we feel very grateful. As always, we invite you to stay connected. We love hearing from you so don't hesitate to drop us a line.